(even if you don’t have access to a gym)


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Pellentesque metus mauris, consequat ac luctus nec, tincidunt eu tellus. Aenean ultricies massa eleifend condimentum tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet purus odio.

Nulla vitae lectus eu odio tempor hendrerit. Cras ut sollicitudin ipsum, nec euismod justo. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Nullam tristique gravida eros, nec commodo ex facilisis dictum.

Want to see if this program will solve your symptoms?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum placerat dolor in iaculis convallis.


Install our step by step system to ramp up your metabolism and

drop 15-30lbs in a way that

supports your physical & mental health

WITHOUT having to live a restrictive life or be on a miserable diet

What is the Mindset & Metabolism Blueprint?

This is the signature program that has given hundreds of women the foundation for lifelong fat loss, creating a non-obsessive relationship with food, and ditch the "all or nothing" mindset on the way to a lean and toned physique.

The reason almost no "diet" has ever worked is because they have all been working against your metabolism instead of supporting your metabolism.

Past diets have also damaged your mindset instead of improving your mindset.

You are NOT broken

Your metabolism did NOT shutdown after age 35

You have just been led down multiple toxic dieting paths that have removed your enjoyment of the process.

The Mindset & Metabolism Blueprint is the simple & most supportive way to get your brain and body working with you instead of against you, which unlocks the fat burning super powers you've always hoped for.


3 Phase Lean Physique Program

A progressive 3 phase workout program that takes you through the necessary steps to actually getting your body to adapt.

Focused on the best "bang for your buck" basic exercises that remove complexity and risk of injury so that you can start making progress right away.

This is what actually creates a lean

& toned body.

SImple af nutrition plan

Feel like nutrition is overwhelming, restrictive, & complicated?

Those days are over.

We are going to show you how simple & enjoyable nutrition can be when you are eating FOR your metabolism instead of against it.

Which actually allows your body to let go of unwanted body fat easily

While also fitting in the "fun" foods & drinks along the way.

Subconscious rewire

For the first time, your mindset & actions will be aligned because we will show you how to break through the "all or nothing" self limiting beliefs that have held you back.

By doing this, consistency becomes almost automatic because you are no longer tempted to "throw in the towel".

WHy does this work?

This is truly the foundation for supporting a fat burning metabolism, building a lean & toned physique, and removing the obsessive "all or nothing" stress around food.

The reason why past fat loss diets have never worked is because they worked against your metabolism instead of supporting it.

The reason why doing 4-6 group fitness classes haven't gotten you the body you desired was because they wreaked havoc on your body and actually caused your body's fat burning mechanisms to shut down instead of ramp up.

The reason why nutrition has felt so overwhelming and restrictive is because you have never been shown how to rewire your relationship with food so that you no longer live in a constant, anxious mindset around your "macros."

This coaching program addresses and solves all of these issues.

These clients followed this process


Listen, I know your battle with fat loss seems endlessly frustrating, and exhausting…

That is because you are working AGAINST your body & mind instead of working to support them


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These women had tried it ALL:

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Simply put, these popular approaches are not ideal for women over 35:

  • Intermittent Fasting

  • Low carb diets

  • Obsessively tracking macros

  • Endless Peloton classes

  • Multiple memberships to group studios, yoga studios, and spin studios

Jamie 16lbs in 10 weeks with only 2 workouts per week while raising 2 kids and working full time.

However, NONE of that helped them lose body fat or even feel better in their own skin.

However, NONE of that helped them achieve their goal or even enjoy the process.

However, NONE of that helped them achieve their goal or even enjoy the process.

From Audrey:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation

From [your name]:


From Coach Adam:

After coaching close to 1000 adults (over 80% of them women) in almost a decade as a trainer & nutrition coach, I realized that the fitness industry that marketed "fat loss solutions" was actually causing a ton of issues that prevented fat loss.

If you are reading this, I am sure you can relate to the feeling that every fat loss attempt in the past has actually led to a worse relationship with food, more intense body dysmorphia, more confusion, and, over time, less fat loss.

I know because I have fallen for all of those same programs.

It wasn't until I realized that the keys to longterm fat loss were to support Metabolism, Mindset, & Muscle, that I had the easiest & best progress with fat loss.

When I implemented these lessons into my coaching approach, I saw proof that this is what was actually needed for my clients as well.

The issue is that 99% of "Fat Loss Programs" actually cause you to lose muscle, damage mindset, and trash your metabolism.

From Mason:

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From Mason & Audrey:

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation


Because for the first time, you will actually change the way your body and mind react to stress, roadblocks, and life "getting in the way".

Because you will have many "aha" moments that make you feel truly seen for the first time

Because your habits and weight loss results will only progress as far as your subconscious beliefs allow

Because this is not another "diet" that ignores your psychological hardwiring

Because without this step, there is likely no approach that will work


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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation


Fill out a NO RISK, NO COMMITMENT application below

Participants have had more mindset revelations and progress in less than 90 minutes with this approach than they did with 5-10 years of diets and therapy.


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magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud



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When I started testing the Mindset & Metabolism Blueprint with clients the results were shocking...

  • Client adherence skyrocketed

  • Consistency increased across the board

  • Clients' weight loss started happening faster

  • Clients' reported better mental health markers, less anxiety, better sleep, and less cravings

    All of this without needing to make any changes to their workouts or nutrition plans

When we started testing [INSERT PROGRAM NAME] with clients the results were shocking...

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation

I took my entire 10 years of coaching experience that’s helped hundreds of women like you..

and built it into a simple, but highly effective program

Included inside the Metabolism & Mindset Blueprint:

  • Individual Nutrition coaching guidelines to create an easy to follow protocol that allows you to balance blood sugar, support metabolism, reduce sugar cravings, & learn how to fit in the "fun" foods as well

  • A 1:1 Strategy Call to address your diet history, relationship with food, and build out the ideal approach for your goals

  • 16 Week Simple & effective metabolism supporting workout program with options for 2, 3, or 4 day per week routines

  • Access to the Simple AF Nutrition template to remove any overwhelm and take the guesswork out of nutrition

  • Access to the Subconscious Rewire process to overcome the self limiting beliefs and psychological barriers that have always prevented you from staying consistent

  • Weekly group support calls to get every one of your questions answered and to be a part of a supportive, motivating community

  • Unlimited daily messaging access to me for support


We took the entire [INSERT PROGRAM NAME] and coaching that’s helped hundreds of women like you..

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

The Simple Solution to ___ While Feeling ___







"I have been tried every diet you can imagine over the last 12 years and none of them helped me get to these revelations. I felt that nothing worked, and now I know why. This has been the most valuable experience I have had in my weight loss journey"

- Michelle

"This made me completely rethink my approach to fat loss, not just with my diet or workouts, but made me really dive deeper into myself as a person. Thank you so much"

- Jen

"Adam is fantastic! He is very reasonable, considerate, and caring.

His program allows you to enjoy life, still eat foods you love, not stress about drinking wine or margaritas on the weekend, and you still see amazing results.

I was able to build healthy habits, a positive mindset and stay consistent throughout working with him and after completing the program. I highly recommend Adam! 10/10!!!" - Briana R.

"If you’ve been feeling stuck with your health goals for years, don’t hesitate- sign up to work with Adam!

Adam is knowledgeable, patient, and motivational.

He will help you identify, challenge, and change your unhealthy thinking and behavioral patterns.

When you work with Adam, you’re making lifetime lifestyle changes. Worth every penny!"

-Paula M.

Getting access to a proven process for permanent weight loss is only available inside [INSERT PROGRAM NAME].

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation

Getting started with a proven system for long term fat loss without sacrificing your mental health or social life begins with the button below

Here is what happens when you ENROLL TODAY

  1. Click "APPLY NOW" & fill out a no commitment application

  2. We will review your application and schedule a call to talk more if you seem like a good fit

  3. If we decide that this is the right program for you, you will be given immediate access to the Mindset & Metabolism resources so you can start learning

  4. You will have a 1:1 onboard call with your coach to map out your plan so there's no guesswork on your part

  5. You will have daily unlimited access to your coach for questions so you always have accountability on your journey

  6. You will have daily unlimited access to our group chat for support from a community of like minded people

  7. You will have weekly access to group support calls run by your coach so that you have all questions answered and can get your plan adjusted when/if needed

So here’s a few more [INSERT PROGRAM NAME] client results:

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If You’re Not 100% Satisfied In The First 28 Days We’ll Give You A No Questions Asked 100% Refund (And we’ll even let you keep the book!)

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I know we can help you [INSERT CORE DESIRE]

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Just imagine waking up everyday...

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The good news is:

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THIS doesn’t have to be a dream anymore…

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This truly a life changing opportunity for you to experience the EXACT same program that’s helped hundreds of women…

Do I need to be a member of a gym?

No. The workouts are designed around your personal goals, equipment, fitness level, etc. However you do need access to dumbbells, an adjustable bench, and bands at bare minimum.

FAQ image

How long is the program?

This is a 16 Week coaching program

FAQ image

What is the cost of this program?

The investment in the program is less than $99 per week (less than you spend on eating out). Which is nothing compared to the cost of repeating the same yo-yo cycle attempts that have never worked before, or the peace of mind you will achieve by finally getting the results & lifestyle you want

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What do I do after the 16 weeks?

After you complete this program, we have options for continued coaching for those who qualify & want to have continued accountability and support

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This truly is a ZERO RISK opportunity for you to experience the EXACT same program that’s helped hundreds of women…

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Here’s even more women that have changed their lives with [INSERT PROGRAM NAME]...


FAQ #1

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FAQ #2

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FAQ #3

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FAQ #4

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FAQ #5

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FAQ #6

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing?

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Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation

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We can help you drop that stubborn fat, and show you how to keep it off for the rest of your life. 

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